For coaches and online service providers who want to effortlessly attract dream clients and increase sales.


If your sales aren’t wow-ing you, it’s a content problem.

The sneakiest business problem that is actually a content problem is stagnation.

I’m talking, booked with clients, making decent money, but maxed out and not sure where to go next. The truth is, this isn’t a fancy business problem that requires complicated strategies to map out.

The biggest hurdle here is actually shifting your messaging to create content that fuels a business, not just an offer.

This is where the Content Mastermind comes in, allowing you to scale with content.

Does this sound familar?

👉🏻 You do get reach and engagement but doesn’t convert to as many clients as you think it should

👉🏻 You are intentional with your content, but you still aren’t sure if the content you are posting is landing with dream clients 

👉🏻 You are getting inquiries from long-time community members, but you aren’t seeing very many new people reach out and buy your offers

👉🏻 You are signing clients, but they aren’t from dream clients and now you dread opening up your voxer notifications

👉🏻 You get really excited about content creation, but when the excitement wades you feel burnt out

👉🏻 You get tons of inquiries for 1:1 , but your audience doesn’t see the value in your passive and scaleable offers.

👉🏻 You have built a groovy audience but you fear they are not dream clients, and feel like you have to cater your offers to who’s in your audience VS who you actually want to be working with

If any of that sounds like I’m speaking directly to YOU, you’re in the right place.

This is not another membership or noisy group chat that takes more energy than it gives. 

This is a group of elite entrepreneurs who didn't come this far just to come this far. Don’t come into this space expecting a noisy girl chat with distracting conversations. This is where you get to come to fill your cup, and feel supported directly from me and the group.

The Content Mastermind Includes


Receive direct coaching from me on our bi-weekly group coaching calls where you can bring in what you are struggling with in content creation and online business and receive my feedback as well as learn from the other questions the group bring forward.


Bi-weekly, we will have like "create content together calls" which will start off with a mini content training which will address frequent questions that come up in slack. Then we will set the intention and get creating in a room full of people who are excited to create content and blow their business tf up.


Slack is where I support you and the group supports each other in between our live calls! This is where you can bring in questions to learn from the entire group and different business owners to gain new perspective while also receive support from me to answer your questions every week. I am active in slack Tuesday - Thursday.


This is the opportunity to submit a piece of completed content to me every single week! Content for review is the opportunity to spot your gaps so that you can apply that knowledge to the rest of your content. You can also learn from the reviews of the collective as well!

Plus access to all CASSKLASS courses and offers throughout the course of the mastermind

This mastermind will help you…

❌Only increase sales to your current product suite and funnels 
✅Expand and innovate your funnels and product suite so that you are able to scale while your content draws more people into your world 

❌Create another super complicated strategy that you can’t stick to for longer than one week 
✅Tap into how simple content creation gets to be when are no longer conforming to what you think you’re supposed to be

❌Creating content that sounds just like everybody in your industry because the market research says “that’s what’s working”
✅Creating content that in innovative, unique to you, and your ideal clients so that they are stoked to dive deeper into your world. 

❌Learn how to be high-vibe 24/7 so that you can magically channel the content juices 
✅Learn how to logically create content based on strategy that you can repeat and innovate no matter how excited you are to do it

I’m going to show you how to create content and build a brand that dream clients will be running to so that you can serve the people you are stoked to work with.

The wins in my world are no surprise

While your results are dependant on the amount of effort and growth you commit to, my clients have experience life changing transformations.

From getting booked out with dream clients, raising rate, thousands of waitlist sign ups, passive income, long-term clients, full group programs; it all comes down to content and how you call in to attract your dream clients.

*these screenshots are all from clients who have received direct support from Cass which which is also given in the Content Mastermind*




Apply to Join us in The Content Mastermind

  • You are not making an income online

    You are not already posting content consistently

    You only want to post 2-3 times per week

    You don't want to be challenged

    You want validation instead of feedback that's actually going to help you

    You don't want to build personal brand

    This space is not for beginners. It is for people who want to scale their online business by optimising their content and attract more sales.




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